It is not uncommon for molybdenum wire to break during wire cutting. Next, we will analyze the following major phenomena that affect wire breaking:

In the process of Cutting Molybdenum wire, the greater the jitter, the easier the wire breakage. Increasing the tension of molybdenum wire can reduce the impact of wire vibration, thus improving the accuracy and cutting speed. Generally, the tension is the most appropriate at 12-15N. Increasing the wire traveling speed is conducive to the molybdenum wire to bring the working fluid into the discharging gap of larger thickness workpiece to ensure the corrosion products. Elimination and stability of EDM. However, if the wire traveling speed is too high and the jitter of molybdenum wire is serious, the stability of processing will be destroyed, the processing accuracy and surface roughness will be worse, and the broken wire will be easily caused. When the wire traveling speed is too low, it is easy to break because of the large loss. The general experience should be less than 10m/s. If the high frequency power supply is not cut off during the reversal of the silk barrel, the molybdenum wire will be burned because of the high temperature in a short time. Therefore, it is necessary to check whether the travel switch at the back end of the silk barrel is out of order. To maintain the flexible rotation of the silk barrel and guide wheel, otherwise the vibration of the guide wire system will be caused and the wire will be broken during the round trip operation.

In addition, if the guide wheel and conductive block have grooves or clearances due to wear and tear, it is easy to cause the molybdenum wire on the WEDM equipment to shake and break. On the way to upgrade the technology of WEDM molybdenum wire processing, it is not only necessary to improve the quality and accuracy of equipment and consumables, but also very important to pay attention to the standardization and caution of the operation process of staff.

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